Do I Need an Italian Language Certification?

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If you have already achieved a certain level of Italian, you might want to prove it, or maybe set a higher goal for yourself in order to keep your learning motivation high. In both cases, you should challenge yourself and pursue an Italian certification. The most common certifications are:

CELI (Italian Certification as a Foreign Language) from the University of Perugia for Foreigners.

CILS (Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language) awarded by the University of Siena.

PILDA (Italian Language Project Dante Alighieri) awarded by the Dante Alighieri Society

ROMA 3 from the University of Roma 3.

In this blog, we will talk about the CELI certification.

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CELI is a general Italian language certificate, which assesses the student’s language knowledge and skills. It can be useful for working and studying in Italy and it is officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research (MIUR). There are three exam sessions each year (March, June, and November) and each exam is made of 4 – 5 sections (depending on the test level).

The exam covers the four skills of Italian language learning (reading, listening, speaking, and writing).

What are the outcomes of the CELI exam?


A: excellent;
B: good;
C: sufficient;


D: insufficient;
E: seriously insufficient.

Which CELI level should I opt for?

CELI is divided into 6 levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR):

(Level A1 of the CEFR)
This is the basic level where students ask and answer
brief questions about themselves, their home, and family. At this level, they can understand and use everyday formulas to satisfy specific needs. 
1 hour and 15 minutes for the reading and writing part, and 5-6 minutes for the oral part.
 (Level A2 of the CEFR)
This is the elementary level recommended to those who are able to exchange basic information about themselves, their families, their work in areas of immediate relevance, and to describe situations and events in a simple way, even in the past tense.
This is the level required to obtain the Italian permanent residence card.
2 hours for the written part, 20 minutes for the comprehension of oral texts, and 10 minutes for the oral production.
(Level B1 of the CEFR)
This is the intermediate level where students master the language in the social and work-related domains without too much strain. They are also able to express their dreams and hopes in a simple way, and give brief reasons and explanations.
This is the level required to obtain the Italian citizenship.
2 hours for the written part, 20 minutes for the comprehension of oral texts, and 15 minutes for oral production.
(Level B2 of the CEFR)
This is the upper-intermediate level where students are able to interact with relative fluency and spontaneity on a wide range of topics, expressing their opinions, as well as their pros and cons.
This is the necessary level for the
Italian university admission.
More than 3 hours, with 2 hours and 15 minutes for the written part, 1 hour and 10 minutes for linguistic competence and comprehension of oral texts, and15 minutes for oral production.
(Level C1 of the CEFR)
This is the level where the students are proficient, express themselves easily in academic and social contexts, and use specific language without strain.

2 hours and 45 minutes for the written part, 1 hour and 40 minutes for linguistic competence and comprehension of oral texts, and 20 minutes for oral production.
(Level C2 of the CEFR)
You have a level of command of the language comparable to that of a native speaker.About 5 hours: 2 hours and 45 minutes for the written part, 1 hour and 40 minutes for linguistic competence and comprehension of oral texts, and 20 minutes for oral production.

NOTE: CELI certificates do not expire.

Interested in pursuing the CELI?

Our instructors, in addition to teaching regular classes, are also CELI examiners, which means they know very well how the exam works and how to set you up for success. Our exam preparation lessons are customized to your needs, plus you will receive homework and mock exams for extra practice.

Let us do all the work for you! You just need to set some time aside to study.

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