Around this time each year, we all begin to make plans to change our routines, throw out old habits, improve our lifestyle, and try new things— the so-called ‘New Year’s Resolutions’. According to US News, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February, especially language-learning ones.  It’s no secret that learning a language is a huge commitment and it takes time. What you need in order to achieve your goals are simple steps and a good dose of motivation.


When it comes to language learning, many make the mistake of claiming that their goal is to be “fluent.” Fluency is difficult to define because it means something completely different for each person. For some, fluency is being able to make small talk with almost no mistakes, for others is about discussing complex political topics in the target language. The parameters of fluency vary from person to person.

The best way to set your goals is to break them down into small measurable chunks. For example, completing level A1.1 in Italian by next summer, or taking a conversation course of 10 lessons and being able to master simple sentences when talking to locals. These small targets allow you to stay focused and remain on the path of progression.


This sounds like an obvious one, but not everyone thinks carefully about it. In fact, have you ever met someone who laments the fact that they spent years studying a language and can’t string a sentence together?

The truth is that you are not motivated enough!

To get the right dose of motivation, you first need to pin down your language goal(s) (see above). You are going to be spending countless hours learning a specific language and the effort needs to be worth the toll. After identifying your goal(s), ask yourself what you enjoy the most. If you like chatting in the target language, sign up for a conversation course; if you are more into movies and YouTube, watch something interesting with or without subtitles (depending on your level). There are different ways to keep yourself motivated when it comes to learning a foreign language.


First and foremost, work out how you’ll fit your language learning around your schedule and life. Secondly, start exploring the resources you are planning to use. The best and most effective resources are a combination of language lessons (we can easily help you with those!), self-studying, and interaction with native speakers.


The most effective and enjoyable way to learn a language is to find a hobby or interest related to this new culture. Whether it’s cooking, chatting with a native speaker, or a new TV series, tapping into your passion(s) will not only make your language learning more exciting but will also improve your language skills immensely.

Would you like to start your language journey in 2023? We are experts in getting you ready to learn. We have all the resources available, from the material to the native speakers, you will find learning a language enjoyable and stimulating with us. We offer private lessons, private and public group lessons, languages for specific purposes, and much more. Get in touch for a complimentary consultation with one of our teachers and discover what’s available for you with the click of a button.